Weapons Policy

It is the policy of Torcon that no real or realistic edged or projectile weapons may be carried anywhere within the convention. Exceptions will be made at the Masquerade when approved by the Masquerade Director or for special events when approved by Programming or Events. In any case where an exception is made, the head of Rangers must be notified. No weapon of any kind may be drawn or wielded in any area of the hotels or convention space. 

Torcon defines a weapon as any object designed to cause damage, or any replica of such an object, or any object that the Committee determines to pose a risk or perceived risk to the safety of others or to personal or hotel or Convention Centre property. The Committee reserves the right to alter or amend this definition without notice and the right to impound weapons or objects designated as weapons for the duration of Torcon. Failure to put an object that violates this policy away in your hotel room or vehicle, or to leave it with Rangers for the duration of your stay at Torcon, is grounds for immediate revocation of membership without refund and expulsion from the convention. 

Dealers who sell weapons or weapon replicas must securely wrap each item at the point of sale and provide each customer with a printed copy of these rules (available from the convention office). 

Torcon is well aware that most people who would like to carry weapons are generally sensible and careful individuals. However, we must bear in mind legal liability, our relationship with the hotels and Convention Centre, and the general peace of mind of the ordinary public whom the convention members will be passing amongst as they go back and forth between events.


Last updated: 18 August 2003

Send comments or suggestions to TorconOps@aol.com.