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Science Fiction in the Classroom

Torcon3 is hosting a "Science Fiction in the Classroom Educators’ Program"

Saturday 10 am until 2pm.

This program is designed for educators and those interested in science fiction and education, from elementary through high school. It is open to anyone attending Torcon3 on Saturday August 30th at no additional charge. Panelists and workshop leads are educators, librarians, and/or publishers who are experts in their field. Resource list etc. will be made available online following Torcon3.

Please note: space is limited due to the workshops. You are advised to preregister for the SFC Educators’ Program by emailing the Coordinator, Julie E. Czerneda, at julie.czerneda@sff.net. Light refreshments will be served at the workshops for all those in attendance.

The Program:

Keynote Address "Adding Wonder to Education" by Catherine Asaro

Participants then choose between a Language Arts Focus or a Science Focus.

Track One: Language Arts Focus

Reading, Writing, & Literacy through SF (Saturday 11 am - noon)

(panel of experts, Q&A)

Science fiction is a gold mine for language arts teachers, from its building blocks of imaginative storytelling and the communication of ideas, to the way SF explores societal issues and concerns of relevance to students. Join this panel of editors, authors, educators, and librarians as they discuss science fiction as literature, including where to look for those great student-ready stories.

Fiction from the Science Writing Workshop (Saturday noon - 1 pm)

(hands-on activities with expert help)

Learn how to guide students through their own science fictional exploration of the world starting from scientific concepts, current issues, and even illustrations. Warning: wonder is likely.

Track Two: Science Focus

Bringing Science to Life through SF (Saturday 11 am - noon)

(panel of experts, Q&A)

Science fiction can do so much more than provide examples of bad science from the movies. It can reveal how real science happens, who is involved, who might be affected, and turn what can seem a block of unfathomable knowledge into a vibrant, human activity -- full of creativity and consequence. Join this panel of educators who use the power of fiction to inspire and teach their students.

Science from the Fiction Workshop (Saturday noon - 1 pm)

(hands-on activities with expert help)

To solve the problem posed in a science fiction short story, participants will design, build, and test a working prototype vehicle. All materials and testing equipment will be supplied. Caution: fun is inevitable!

Wrap-up panel: Where do you go from here?

A panel of publishers, librarians, and educators discuss how to find good SF resources (print, film, people), how to get them into schools, and how to promote their use. There will be an opportunity for question/answer from both tracks.

Index : : Gaming :: Filk :: SFC :: Schedule :: Participants :: Readings :: Kaffeeklatsches :: Autographs
  Last Updated: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 22:12
General regarding programming should be addressed to : programming@torcon3.on.ca